Series of studies by researchers concluded that sleeping with artificial light is a risk factor for developing cancer of the breast. In other words, night light increases breast cancer risks.
Early detection in a woman who does not go for regular check-up is difficult, since no symptoms are noted till advanced stages of the disease.
I would like to reproduce the story of Mrs. Jimoh here for emphasis. She shares her painful experience with me some time ago about how she noticed the lump in her breast early enough but due to bad management by her doctors, the cancer was allowed to spread until she had to have her left breast removed.
She narrates, “I noticed a small lump on my left breast around April last year. It was like a small stone, although it was not painful. I told my husband and children about it and was advised to go to the General Hospital, which I did. I met with the principal medical director, who examined me. After this, I was asked to go for some tests, which I did; although I do not know the names of the tests.
“He then prescribed some drugs for me and asked me to come back in two months’ time.
However, after taking the drugs, the lump was still there and it was getting bigger. After two months, I went back to the hospital. I met with another doctor because the principal medical director was on his annual leave.
“The doctor prescribed another set of drugs for me. I bought at least N21,000 worth of drugs in three months. After all the drugs I took, though, the lump was still there and was becoming more painful at this point.
“After five months of going to the hospital, I was able to see the principal medical director, who directed me to the surgery unit. He blamed the other doctors for prescribing drugs, instead of transferring me to the surgery section.
“At this point, the lump was very big, swollen and red. I was unable to sleep at night because of the pains. My breast looked as if there was a boil on it. I was told that I would undergo an operation to remove the lump and that the lump would be taken to the Lagos State Teaching Hospital for a comprehensive test.
“I felt a little relief from the pains, but I was afraid for the outcome of the test. I blamed the doctors for delaying the proper diagnosis in the first place. After two weeks, the results came out and my fear was confirmed. The lump was a cancerous one and it had spread all over my left breast.
“The doctors told me that my breast must be removed as soon as possible. I was devastated; I cried bitterly, my husband and children were there to console me because I was afraid that I was going to die!
“My children advised that I should go for the surgery and that I will not die. It was difficult to believe that I actually had cancer, because I was always conscious of my health.
“I had the surgery at the National Hospital, Abuja. Cancer is a very expensive disease. Can you imagine that we spent more than N600,000 on drugs and tests alone? It is a painful experience.
“The chemotherapy treatment was another thing. My long hair gradually started to fall off and I’m bald now. I cannot eat any fried food, milk or meat.
“After undergoing the operation, I was told it was successful. Although my left breast was completely removed, I am happy that I am still breathing and the pain has stopped. In fact, the doctors said I was just lucky to be alive to tell the story.
“They said my case is an exceptional one. I appeal to all women to be vigilant and go to a very good hospital for check-ups. They should ask questions and not just assume that things are okay because one doctor says so. If the doctors had not been careless, my whole breast would not have been removed.”
It is true that one in three people in the world have one form of cancer or the other. The key to cancer prevention is early detection. Many cancers can be detected early and life expectancy of the patient is much better.
It also depends on diet, lifestyle modification and reduction of exposure to toxins. Eating a good diet, reduction in weight, exercise, no smoking, moderate alcohol intake and avoidance of stress are all preventive factors.
There are several other wellness options and medical spa that are now available in Nigeria
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