A Professor at the Chemistry Department of UNI ILORIN, Folahan Adekola in a chat with NAN today warned that dying of hair increases risk of cancer.
He said hair dye products contain chemicals like Yombo fitta and Yombo tumtum which are freely sold in Nigeria for people to dye their hair and look younger.
He said the same dye are used on clothing materials.
Folahan explained that the presence of highly toxic metals such as lead and arsenic and other carcinogenic compound in the dyes could cause cancer of the blood if exposed to human.
Adekola pointed out that given the widespread use of hair dye products, even a small increase in risk may have a considerable public health impact.
“The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reported that hairdressers and barbers are at increased risks of bladder cancer due to exposure to these chemicals,” he added.