The Best Natural Recipe To Grow Your Hair Long In One Month

How you wear your hair is a matter of choice and convenience. You have got to see what suits you the best, plus, it all depends on how well you can manage your hair. 

There are most of us, who would want to skip giving that additional care to our mane and won't mind cropping it short.

Watch what you eat: 

Have a balanced diet with minimum eight glasses of water. Hydration plays a crucial role in hair growth. It also helps in retaining the sheen of your hair. Make sure you get enough iron, calcium, protein, zinc, selenium, B Vitamins and other essential nutrients every day. Flaxseeds, other nuts and seeds along with green leafy vegetables and green tea are great for hair growth.

here’s what you need:

-One Jar Of Organic Coconut oil

Yes, that’s it. I ordered my jar of coconut oil at the and it was really good. The name is Viva Labs The Finest Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 16 Ounce which you can order for your self too and be satisfied like me So, how did I used it?

It’s pretty simple. I wash my hair approximately two times per week. Before every wash, I put 2 tea spoons of the coconut oil in a microwave just to melt it (because it’s white and hard).

After the coconut becomes watery, the first thing I do is apply it in the scalp of my hair and massage it. If there’s anything left from the coconut oil, you can apply it all over your hair. Keep your hair like that for hour or two, so the coconut oil can feed your scalp and your hair. After that, wash your hair as you always do.

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